portable screen capture
portable screen capture

Freescreenrecordertool,whichletsyourecord,editandsaveasagif,videoorotherformats.,ShareXisafeature-richscreenshotutilitythatcangrabaselectedareawithasinglekeyandthenedit,savetoclipboard,driveand/orinstantlyuploadthem ...,FastStoneCapturesavesimage...


ShareXisafeature-richscreenshotutilitythatcangrabaselectedareawithasinglekeyandthenedit,savetoclipboard,driveand/orinstantlyuploadthem ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **


Free screen recorder tool, which lets you record, edit and save as a gif, video or other formats.


ShareX is a feature-rich screenshot utility that can grab a selected area with a single key and then edit, save to clipboard, drive and/or instantly upload them ...

The Best Screen Capture Software

FastStone Capture saves images in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, FSC and PDF formats. Built-in screen recorder saves videos in MP4 and WMV formats.

Lightscreen Portable

2023年1月31日 — Lightscreen Portable is a tiny application that helps you capture your screen quickly and easily. Advertisement. This portable version can be ...

Auto Screen Capture download

2024年1月12日 — A portable and command line friendly application that takes screenshots while you work and play. This software is free and open source but ...

ShareX Portable (Screen capture, file sharing and ...

2023年3月27日 — Screen capture, file sharing and productivity tool ... Runs anywhere (cloud, removable, local) without 'installing'. Use the PortableApps.com ...

CamStudio Portable (screen recorder)

CamStudio is able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer and save it to a video file or streaming Flash video.

Auto Screen Capture 免安裝版

2023年4月9日 — Auto Screen Capture is a small and portable screen capture utility for gamers, designers, and testers. The application enables you to ...


PicPick is a versatile all-in-one tool for images on the desktop. Includes a powerful screen capture tool, editor, color picker and palette, pixel ruler, ...


Freescreenrecordertool,whichletsyourecord,editandsaveasagif,videoorotherformats.,ShareXisafeature-richscreenshotutilitythatcangrabaselectedareawithasinglekeyandthenedit,savetoclipboard,driveand/orinstantlyuploadthem ...,FastStoneCapturesavesimagesinBMP,GIF,JPEG,PCX,PNG,TGA,TIFF,WEBP,FSCandPDFformats.Built-inscreenrecordersavesvideosinMP4andWMVformats.,2023年1月31日—LightscreenPortableisatinyap...